Canceling Astral Projection Prayer

Almighty God, I come before your throne of grace seeking refuge and deliverance. I believe you are the supreme authority over all things seen and unseen. You alone are the creator of the spiritual and physical realms.
I pray for your spiritual covering and shielding from any person attempting to astral project or send forth their spirit in an attempt to harass, manipulate or defile me in any way. I renounce all forms of astral projection, spirit travel and occult practice as evil in your sight.
Lord, stretch out your mighty hand to stop and render ineffective any projected spirit, evil force or entity trying to infiltrate my life without permission. May your warring angels protect the doorways of my mind, will and emotions. Allow no unlawful spiritual access that could open the door to harassment, oppression or possession.
Guard my mind with the helmet of salvation. Sanctify my thoughts and protect them from any ungodly projections or influences. Let your truth and righteousness be a breastplate shielding my will and desires. May your Holy Spirit have complete freedom to lead and guide my life path.
I declare that my body is a temple of your Holy Spirit. You alone have rights of residence within me. No foreign spirit or power has legal grounds to trespass into the domain you have reserved for your own indwelling presence.
As your beloved child, I take my stand today under the covering of the blood of Jesus Christ. His finished work on the cross has given me authority over all the power of the enemy. I wield the name of Jesus as a sword to defend against any wicked astral assignments targeted towards me.
Thank you for providing complete spiritual protection through your Son Jesus. I rest in your strong tower of safety. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.
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Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.
- The Christian King